Unit One: The First Peoples and New France
Essential Questions: First Peoples – Who were the First Peoples and how did they structure their world?
Europeans Arrive – Why did the French and other Europeans come to North American and how did they interact with First Peoples?
The Northwest Fur Trade – How did First People and Europeans interact in the Northwesr and what was the result?
February 2 to February 6
*Diverse Cultures – Chart on the seven First Nations Culture before contact with Europeans.
* Origin of the First Peoples of Canada – theories – NOTES
*Worldviews – chart
* Social Organizations – web
February 9 – 13
Government of First Nations
Europeans Arrive – Reasons for Exploration
Writing – this will cross over to ELA
Good copy of Writing Question: “Why did Europeans come to North America?”
February 23 – 26
- Political Organization in New France – Structure of the Royal Government and Militia Defence
- The Fur Trade
- Coureur De Bois
- Les Filles Du Roi
- British/French Hostilities
- The Hudson Bay Company
There are charts, jot notes and webs that need to be completed.
March 3 to March 6
- European and Western Fur Trade – Timeline
- Western Fur Trade
- Competition and Exploration
- Review for Test
- Unit Test