
Mrs. Corrine Schwehr, Principal – Post-Secondary Transitions Teacher, Distance Learning (DLC) Facilitator, Inclusive Education Coach

Mr. Chris Kelly, Vice Principal – Physical Education 3/4 & 5/6; French Language Arts 7/8; Math 9

Mme Brenda Eversen – Kindergarten/1/2 French Immersion Homeroom

Mrs. Kendall Person – Kindergarten/1/2 English Homeroom

Mme Denise Dumais – Gr. 3/4 French Immersion Homeroom

Mrs. Cheryl Tieszen – .5 Gr. 3/4 English Homeroom

Mrs. Shayleen Lafond – .5 Gr. 3/4 English Homeroom and Inclusive Education Coach

Mrs. Angela Thiessen – Gr. 5/6 English Homeroom and Career Ed. 7/8

Mrs. Gisele Poirier – Gr. 5/6 French Immersion Homeroom and Practical & Applied Arts 10 & 30 and gr. 8

Mrs. Diana Couture – 7/8 Homeroom, English Language Arts 7/8; Mathématiques 7/8; Sciences humaines 7/8; Sciences naturelles 7/8; Art 7/8, 9; French Language Arts 9; Français 10, 20, 30

Mrs. Amanda Cyr – 11/12 Homeroom, Math 7/8; English Language Arts 9, A10, B10, 20 B30; History 10, 30; Practical & Applied Arts 10, 30

Miss Bailey Hiebert – 9 Homeroom, PAA 9, Math Foundations & Precalculus 10, Math Foundations 20, 30, Environmental Science 20, Physical Science 20 & Chemistry 30

Mr. Victor Corduban – 10 homeroom, Health 7/8/9; Physical Education 7/8/9; Science 7/8; Social Studies 7/8; Wellness 10; Financial Literacy 10; Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 10, 20; Physical Education 20/30

Mr. Donald Jean – .5 Practical & Applied Arts 30, Art 7/8/9

Support Staff

Mrs. Corine Amundson – Secretary

Mrs. Laurel Hufnagel – School Councillor

Mrs. Rachelle Little – Library Clerk (1/2 time) School Mentor (1/2 time)

Mrs. Serena Collins – Educational Assistant

Mrs. Connie Bailey – Educational Assistant (1/2 time)

Mrs. Lise-Anne Bilodeau  – Educational Assistant (1/2 time)

Mrs. Jillian Poirier – Educational Assistant (1/2 time)

Mr. Von Bondame – Head Caretaker

Mrs. Delyth Richards – Caretaker (1/2 time)